The academic world is grappling with the question of whether it is still appropriate to collaborate with Israeli institutions in light of the war in Gaza. NIAS (Netherlands Institute for Advanced ...
SURF’s network is attacked in this way almost daily, according to Hoven. “But normally, we fend off such DDoS attacks without anyone noticing. This one was much larger. All our members were affected.” ...
At the time of writing, however, Eduroam seems to be functioning as usual. This is not the only attack this week, as most took place in the southern part of the country. After Eindhoven University of ...
Does degree programme X really need to be offered in English? Paul Rullmann, outgoing chair of the committee in charge of deciding this question, understands the rationale for introducing a language ...
For many students, internships are a bridge between theory and practice, but they’re not always seen as a mandatory part of the curriculum. Should that change? And what about compensation for the hard ...
In other words, various institutes of higher education will go on strike by turns. “What form these strikes will take and when they will take place depends on the institute in question”, says trade ...
The unions have at last received a response to the ultimatum they issued to the government. Education minister Eppo Bruins now says he is willing to hold talks. But his concession comes with a warning ...
Arfan Ikram is a professor and head of the Department of Epidemiology at Erasmus MC. Since 1 August 2022, he has also served as chair of ZonMw and a member of the Executive Board of the Dutch Research ...
Filmminnend Rotterdam kijkt er al maanden naar uit. Nog even en het filmfestival begint. Maar de overvolle zalen zijn ook een ...
De langstudeerboete is van tafel, maar er valt nog genoeg te doen voor de Landelijke Studentenvakbond (LSVb) en het ...
Het is onbegrijpelijk dat het Utrechts Studentencorps weer subsidie krijgt, vinden ouders van de studenten die vorig jaar op ...
Geschokt en met veel verdriet hebben we kennisgenomen dat tijdens zijn vakantie in Thailand plotseling is overleden onze ...