We are experiencing a transformation that may surpass even the arrival of the internet, says Professor of Computer Science Sasu Tarkoma. Time to think – that is what we always seek from new ...
We are excited to announce that there are two forthcoming Special Issue originating from the IFPM5! The window for submission closes on the 15th of March. More information on the Special Issues can be ...
With Andrey Makarychev and Sergei Medvedev. We warmly welcome you to participate in celebrating the launch of Andrey Makarychev and Sergei Medvedev’s new book "Biopower in Putin’s Russia: From Taking ...
Pienryhmiä, vertaisarviointia, ongelmalähtöistä oppimista, MOOCeja, tekoälyä — eri oppialat kaipaavat erilaista opetusta, Kai Nordlund toteaa Yliopisto-lehden pääkirjoituksessa. Pääkirjoitus on ...
Call for Papers open until 15th of March 2025 The Special Issue in Forests Monitors is focused on broader forest policy related issues, specifically within EU or member states, and the Special Issue ...
Welcome to another mentor interview! This time, we speak with Thais Glod, Biosphere mentor and environmental innovator. From her metallurgical roots in Venezuela to pioneering green transition ...
Artificial intelligence may affect what we are like as people and how we relate to each other. However, it cannot replace the essence of humanity, say ethics researchers. We are surrounded by ...
On the 11th of October 2024, M.Sc. (Tech) Rafael Savvides defends his PhD thesis on Statistical methods for uncertainties in data exploration and model building. The thesis is related to research done ...
Tekoäly voi vaikuttaa siihen, millaisia ihmisiä olemme ja miten suhtaudumme toisiimme. Ihmisyyden ydintä se ei kuitenkaan voi korvata, sanovat etiikan tutkijat. Tekoälyteknologiat ympäröivät meitä.
Draamaopastuksen aikana lapset pääsevät tutustumaan Kaisaniemen kasvihuoneiden hurjimpiin ja ihmeellisimpiin kasveihin. Kasvinoita Kaisa on päättänyt keittää kaikkien aikojen pelottavimman ...
Alunperin Venezuelan Guayana Citystä kotoisin oleva Thais Glod on vanhin neljästä siskosta. Nykyään hän asuu Valenciassa, Espanjassa - kaupungissa, joka on tunnettu elämää sykkivästä ...
Polku Therapeutics Oy, a spinout from the University of Helsinki, is dedicated to the development of novel disease-halting therapies with the aim of providing new treatment options for ...