Both these films typify Cinema Action's approach of letting those directly involved express themselves without commentary. They were designed to provide an analysis of struggles, which could encourage ...
Until recently, the Fifties have been commonly seen as the 'doldrums era' of British cinema. During the decade the two major cinema chains had embarked on a programme of cinema closures. The Rank ...
The Square Peg (d. John Paddy Carstairs, 1958) is perhaps the best of the Wisdom comedies. Well constructed and unsentimental, it features many memorable comic sequences and numerous unexpectedly ...
Sir Denis Nayland Smith thwarts the attempts by the evil Dr Fu Manchu to obtain world domination through the use of a deadly poison made from a Tibetan flower. When, ten minutes into The Face of Fu ...
There have been relatively few Chinese themes and characters on British cinema screens - certainly by comparison with those from, for example, India - despite a significant Chinese population since ...
A complex treatise exploring feminism, motherhood and sexual difference in seven numbered chapters. Headings are: Opening Pages; Laura Talking; Stones; Louise's Story Told in 13 Shots; Acrobats; Laura ...
Salford, 1971: a proud Pakistani chip shop owner lives with his white wife and seven children in a terraced house. The children rebel against his strict approach and his insistence that they are ...
The 1970s witnessed the dawning of a golden age in children's television, with the talents gathered in the 1960s now nurtured with the kind of funding and institutional support for which they had ...
When ITV's second franchise round came up in 1967, the Independent Television Authority (ITA) had it all worked out. While the 1964 franchise allocation had seen little new, the latest round was set ...
"A writer who did a bit of directing" is Gerry O'Hara's modest description of his 50-year career in film and television. While many found the industry an unforgiving place, O'Hara had more than his ...
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife... Their cuts produce a faster-paced story, intended to engage contemporary ...
Gathering seabirds' eggs at Bempton Cliffs, Flamborough Head on the Yorkshire coast, was a traditional practice for farmers whose land adjoined the cliff edge, which gave them a legal right to ...