This single sign-on portal will connect you to eBudde™, eBudde™ DEMO or Girl Scouts® Ideal Cookie Sale™. Your username (email address) and password designate your level of access to the Little Brownie Technology Tools.
eBudde is Little Brownie Bakers' online cookie sale management tool. It can be your best friend during cookie sales — no complicated spreadsheets, just simple data entry and a great help system. Be sure to check out this powerpoint presentation on Digital Cookie!
This year - eBudde and Digital Cookie have created a more integrated system for an easier cookie program. Using eBudde you can... Submit rewards Schedule booth sales Pick up cookies. A council timeline, checklist, message board and current sales data are located on your Troop Dashboard. Used for... On the Init.
eBudde is a cookie volunteer’s best friend. Here’s where you’ll order cookies, track deliveries and more. You will receive eBudde training that will make the season a snap. Here are some quick reference facts. Detailed information about each step can be found in. Cookie Connections.
Cookie Calculator – This provides a link to the new cookie calculator. The cookie calculator is a helpful tool that allows you to calculate the selling prices of cookie varieties.
New for 2024: Parent/girl will use their MyGS Primary Caregiver Email to access Digital Cookie. That email may be different than what is listed on eBudde based on what was listed on their permission slip. Use this feature to remind parents/ guardians of program expectations, and upcoming deadlines!
There are two types of cookies transfers you can complete from your Troop: • Troop to Girl Scout cookie allocation • Troop to Troop Transfers (use the “Cookie Exchange” feature on eBudde)
Aug 1, 2023 · eBuddeTM is part of the Little Brownie Cookie Tech Portal for Single Sign-On. This new system allows for easier access to all Little Brownie Tech tools. No longer are there default passwords. You will be asked to create a new password for the …