What if the Indians had not been disturbed by the Europeans.
Sep 22, 2024 · Their violent invasion of North America was stopped by disease and, to a much lesser extent, European weapons. Surviving remnants of North America's bloodier version of the Vikings came to be known as Comanche, Arapaho, Kiowa, Pawnee, Black Feet, Crow, Dakota, and …
What AI thinks of religion | Page 14 - GON Forum
Dec 23, 2024 · For example when economic inflation gets too much, or the frontiers are no longer putting out to nurse their nation's appetites or a new king or shogun needs to prove his reign and legitimacy the Egyptians or the Vikings or the Romans get to raiding Syrian cities and Scottish monasteries in the name of the gods who drive them and their nations.
Carrying clothes to the stand - GON Forum
Oct 25, 2013 · I've never done the whole outfit. I do however roll up a heavy jacket or sweater and stow it in my vest. put it on for the last 200 yds to the stand.
Building a 4 to 5 foot elevation for box stands | GON Forum
Jan 2, 2013 · Need some guidance. BESIDES using the metal brackets that to get the angle for the 4x4 legs to attach the box stand platform, what is the best way to attach? Any idea of what angle I may need to try to cut the end of the 4x4 or do I even need to cut it given these will be only 4 or so feet off...
Sweet Feed for Deer - Pros n Cons - GON Forum
May 13, 2011 · Do not use sweet feed for deer!!! It can cause lactic aciddosis in their system and it changes the ph levels in their rumen.A deers ph level has to stay at a neutral 7.0 and feeding deer sweet feeds are not recommended.Also when the ph is changed it kills enzymes and bacteria deer need to break down and start digestion of their food sources( browse,food plots etc..
Curcuit Judge Rifle for Deer Hunting. - GON Forum
Dec 23, 2010 · death smiles at everyone.Vikings smile back. Dec 23, 2010 #7 cloudwarmer Member. dlsbiker13 said:
Club Members and neighboring clubs - GON Forum
Jan 16, 2011 · Anytime 2 or more human-beings get together, problems and conflict arise. Add land, money, deer, ducks and turkeys and the problem is magnified 3 fold!!
Weatherby vanguard - GON Forum
Apr 12, 2011 · Old and New Recalls Germag (RIP) helpfully posted notice of a"safety upgrade" (or recall) of older Weatherby Vanguard rifles, having to do with a bolt that could be assembled incorrectly.
Bib Coveralls for Short People - GON Forum
Sep 16, 2015 · I've read on here about lightweight, warm, bib coveralls and jackets, and am looking at the ones from Cabellas that are on sale right now, but have a different question. Does anybody make a lightweight, warm coverall and jacket for short, stocky people. I wear jeans with 38 waist and 29 inch...
Best .308 cartridge for Ruger M77 - GON Forum
Dec 1, 2010 · I have a Remington 700 youth model, I shoot a Remington 150 PSP. I've shot this round in both the Remingtons I've had, and never had a Deer or Hog go over 30 yards after hit I put it right behind the front leg and they're history. the buck I shot Friday was 200yards and did not go 10 yards after shot Zero it at 25 yards dead center and you. 're good out to 250 yards,that's with a rise of 1 ...