Rubber Stamp Size Reference Charts | Stamp-Connection.com
Stamp Connection specializes in custom rubber stamps. Wood knob, self-inking, and pre-inked. Along with all the ink, pads, & other supplies.
Figures are shown actual size so you can determine maximum number of bands for a given width. If you wish to include a date set consider that a date set is equivalent to 6 figure badns "left to right"
Place this Chart over your Artwork or Stamp Copy for Stamp # or simply Choose a Stamp Size from this Chart and Specify #
Size Reference Sheets - RubberStampChamp.com
Choose your brand and product line below to view all stamp sizes included in each line and shop with ease by clicking on the size you want to customize your stamp and select upgrade options! View Size Sheet
Rubber Stamp Size Chart – ISStamp
Here is our current Rubber Stamp standard size chart. Only standard Rubber Stamp size charts have bee included here . We have more size available, please contact us for more size info and customized size at [email protected] .
These type styles and formats can be used on regular rubber stamps, self inking stamps, pre-inked stamps and heavy duty self inking stamps. Click here to open a .pdf file of our complete type style chart.
ISStamp Size Charts
ISStamp wholesale Stamp Size Chart Only Standard Flash Stamp , Pre Ink Stamp and Rubber Stamp sizes have bee included here . We do have more sizes available, such as F94130 (94mm * 130mm), please contact us for more size info and customized size at [email protected] .
What size can you make rubber stamps? - Custom Stamps Online
Our Traditional Rubber Stamps can be made to whatever size you require (up to around 280x190mm) and we have ink pads to suit all sizes. You can order Traditional Rubber Stamps up to 150x75mm through the website - see the pdf below for the sizing chart and templates.
Rubber Stamp Size Chart - House-Mouse
Here is our rubber stamp size chart. The way it works is, for example, a rubber stamp which is, you just drop the "HM" or the "HMC" in the stock # and the size is the next letter. For example a rubber stamp that is "HMCM21 would be a "M" sized stamp.
Title: 01 - On-Line Rubber Stamp Unit Sizing Chart.cdr Author: User Created Date: 11/9/2020 3:41:13 PM
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